Tuesday, August 18, 2009

7th meeting

Self -evaluation:

Review the results of your personal health assessment and write your realizations and plans about your health in your journal.

  • I had review it and I've seen that I have no problems with my health. It's just normal, although I have a problem with my menstruation because I don't actually have a monthly period, I mean I don't have a normal menstruation. But it's okay because I think I just inherent this to my mom and I got by he check-up and the doctor said it's normal to the girls whose age is like mine, because she said that my ovary is not that yet ripe that's why we cannot force it to blood. And that she cannot recommend me some medicines to take up because I'm too young and that like I've said it's normal. And that bleeding to much is really bad. And she also told us to come back to her if I will already be 18 or 19 years of age and that my condition is still like that because that will be the time that I would take my medication. So we planned to go back to the hospital after 2 years if my menstruation is still not normal.

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