Tuesday, September 22, 2009

4th meeting

Self Evaluation

Do this in your journal.

1. Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?

*I realized that in my heart, I know what I listed there in the paper is true, but at the same time I felt doubt of what I wrote about myself because I don't know if the people around me also think the same way as I do. Though, I know that I must know myself first than to listen to what the other thinks about me. And besides, they must respect me because I respected them though I don't really know them.

2. The Golden Rule says “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
a. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:

- when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation,

* They must respect me, anyway there is no perfect in these world, everybody commits mistakes, and trust me, I will do the same thing to them if ever it happens to them.

- when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion;

* I want them to listen to what I'm saying because it's a group discussion and that I'm saying my own opinion and if it's their turn to express their own opinion in our group discussion, probably I would listen to them.

- when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;

* I want them to respect suggestions, I mean I'm giving it for the sake of our group presentation. We cannot say, maybe it can help us in making our group presentation beautiful, I don't need them all to understand it very much. I just want them to think of it as well as respect it.

- when you commit mistake;

* As I've said earlier nobody is perfect, we all know that, we'll if I commit mistake/s, I'm sorry, I'm just a human and I'm not perfect and I need them to understand it, I don't need them to understand why do I do this mistake, why do I do that mistake, I just need them to understand that like them, I am just created by our God, I don't created myself and like them I commit mistakes, that's what I want them to understand and they can hope that I will understand them if they commit mistake/s.

- when you don’t like doing what they ask you to do and

* I just want them to realize that I have my own mind, my own likes and dislikes and that like them, I also have feelings, I can be hurt, I can be neglected, but if they and I know that it's the right thing for me to do and that it's for the sake of my own happiness, why not, I mean I can give it a try but I just want them to realize that nobody wants to be hold by someone, to be dictated by someone, we have our own mind to think what is the best for us and I'm sure, they also don't want somebody to control them.

- when they want to give you their comments or suggestions?

* Well, I will respect their comments and suggestions, anyway they've given a chance to give my own opinions, so as what they did, I will listen to them and I will try to understand them but I just want their comments and suggestions not so bad, I mean try respect me even just a little bit.

b. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect, what can you commit to yourself in terms dealing with the MCL community: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?

* Oh, they can hope that I would respect them. I won't and never will disrespect them, because aside from being (some of them) older than me is that they are also a person like me. They need and deserve to be respect and obey (in some instances) by others, and that's what I would do, and besides I know they are respecting me too, so I would do the same thing to them. And the golden rule is always on my mind "Do not do unto others as you won't others do unto you".

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