Tuesday, September 22, 2009

1st meeting


1. In the first few days you've spent in MCL, how would you compare your high school life to what you envisioned college life to be?

  • In my first few days I've spent in MCL I would compare my high school life to what I envisioned college life to be as really different. Because during my high school days I know all my classmates and that we are not that close but we are all friends. We all know our attitudes and that we don't need to cope up with each other and that I'm still dependent with my mom, it's just, I know that someday I need to be independent, but during high school, I don't need to be that. But now that I'm in college, everything is different, everything is changed, I need to cope up with new friends and I need to understand their attitude and I need to learn how to be independent.

2. What is the importance of Values Education?


  • Values Education is important in our daily lives.
  • In it we know how to respect others,
  • how to be nice and kind,
  • to have faith in God,
  • to obey our parents and others who is older than us,
  • to think what's right and wrong,
  • to have our own mind in doing good decisions,
  • to love others even if they are our enemies,
  • to try to forgive and forget,
  • to do everything what we think is good and right,
  • and many others.

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