Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Part 2 of the 6th meeting

  • The most striking scene in the movie "An Inconvenient Truth"


When Al Gore shows us a snowy Kilimanjaro twenty years ago and now it's mountain is so dusty. He demonstrated to us the effects of Global Warming that we cannot explain through words. And he also shows us the points that the ice caps are melting and that soon our wold will be just all water. And some of the Island in the Antarctica that were already problem areas. And also he pointed out that the sea level worldwide could easily rise twenty feet or more. And he shows the effects of the Global Warming to our surroundings, as well as our planet Earth.

  • My feelings and emotions while watching the movie


I felt really scared and I don't know what to do. I'm so scared to think that sooner or later our world will be vanished or that it will be worst, I don't know what to do, I don't know where are we going if that will happen. And at the same time I felt so lonely to think that our world, my family will be lost from me, because ever since even if I think about what is going to happen in the future, I'll always erased to my mind that worst ever thinking, because even if someone would think about it, he will be scared too. I mean right now for me is okay, rather than losing it.

  • My realization after watching the movie


I realize that our world is really affected by the Global Warming and if we do nothing to stop the it, our world would be as worst as ever, that we cannot do anything anymore to protect it because were too late. But now, we still have a chance, it's not too late and it will never be, as long as we care about our planet. We can still protect it in some simple ways.

  • The specific actions I can commit to take care of the environment


  1. I can do simple things like throwing the trash at the trash can, not everywhere.
  2. I could also help in planting the trees.
  3. I would not burn some plastics or rubber because I know it can harm our environment and that it is also one of the causes why our ozone layer is becoming thick.
  4. I will also not to do or to try smoking because it can cause air pollution and I really really know that it's bad for my health.
  5. I will also use some appliances that doesn't have any CFC's.
  6. Ask someone to don't burn our forest or cut the trees.
  7. Also ask someone to don't use dynamite for fishing or any chemicals.
  8. Moreover students like me or some people can ask some factories to not throw some chemicals to the sea.

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