Saturday, August 8, 2009

9th meeting

1. How do you describe a responsible person?
2. What are your responsibilities
a) at home,
b) in school
c) in your community?


1. A responsible person is the one whose doing his assignments or projects on time, the one whom you will not going to tell what is his going to do but instead he will do it as his own, not asking if he must do that or not. The one who is independent enough to admit his own mistake and the one who can stand on his own even though he really needs his family.

2. a. At home
  • My responsibility in our home is doing the household chores as being the eldest daughter, like cleaning the house, taking care of my baby brother, and studying my lessons while I'm not doing anything.

b. In school

  • My responsibilities in school is that I need to study very hard for me to pass my courses, pass my assignments and projects on time and review my lessons. I also need to interact to with my professors and classmates. To cooperate to some group activities and many more.

c. In our community

  • My responsibility is to give and share to the people around my community, to interact with them and to cooperate and participate with some organizations that my community is initiating. Also I can do simple ways, such as cleaning our surroundings and being friendly with the people around my community.

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