Tuesday, August 18, 2009

7th meeting

Self -evaluation:

Review the results of your personal health assessment and write your realizations and plans about your health in your journal.

  • I had review it and I've seen that I have no problems with my health. It's just normal, although I have a problem with my menstruation because I don't actually have a monthly period, I mean I don't have a normal menstruation. But it's okay because I think I just inherent this to my mom and I got by he check-up and the doctor said it's normal to the girls whose age is like mine, because she said that my ovary is not that yet ripe that's why we cannot force it to blood. And that she cannot recommend me some medicines to take up because I'm too young and that like I've said it's normal. And that bleeding to much is really bad. And she also told us to come back to her if I will already be 18 or 19 years of age and that my condition is still like that because that will be the time that I would take my medication. So we planned to go back to the hospital after 2 years if my menstruation is still not normal.

Part 2 of the 6th meeting

  • The most striking scene in the movie "An Inconvenient Truth"


When Al Gore shows us a snowy Kilimanjaro twenty years ago and now it's mountain is so dusty. He demonstrated to us the effects of Global Warming that we cannot explain through words. And he also shows us the points that the ice caps are melting and that soon our wold will be just all water. And some of the Island in the Antarctica that were already problem areas. And also he pointed out that the sea level worldwide could easily rise twenty feet or more. And he shows the effects of the Global Warming to our surroundings, as well as our planet Earth.

  • My feelings and emotions while watching the movie


I felt really scared and I don't know what to do. I'm so scared to think that sooner or later our world will be vanished or that it will be worst, I don't know what to do, I don't know where are we going if that will happen. And at the same time I felt so lonely to think that our world, my family will be lost from me, because ever since even if I think about what is going to happen in the future, I'll always erased to my mind that worst ever thinking, because even if someone would think about it, he will be scared too. I mean right now for me is okay, rather than losing it.

  • My realization after watching the movie


I realize that our world is really affected by the Global Warming and if we do nothing to stop the it, our world would be as worst as ever, that we cannot do anything anymore to protect it because were too late. But now, we still have a chance, it's not too late and it will never be, as long as we care about our planet. We can still protect it in some simple ways.

  • The specific actions I can commit to take care of the environment


  1. I can do simple things like throwing the trash at the trash can, not everywhere.
  2. I could also help in planting the trees.
  3. I would not burn some plastics or rubber because I know it can harm our environment and that it is also one of the causes why our ozone layer is becoming thick.
  4. I will also not to do or to try smoking because it can cause air pollution and I really really know that it's bad for my health.
  5. I will also use some appliances that doesn't have any CFC's.
  6. Ask someone to don't burn our forest or cut the trees.
  7. Also ask someone to don't use dynamite for fishing or any chemicals.
  8. Moreover students like me or some people can ask some factories to not throw some chemicals to the sea.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

10th meeting

Journal Writing

1. Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.
2. How did you react to it? Why?
3. How did you feel about your reaction/decision?
4. What have you learned/realized from your experience?


It's when I was in second year, actually I'm going to turned third year because it's our vacation, my cousin pressured me to answer the guy whose courting me, and the guy was the friend of his boyfriend, and I do what she said. But then I realized that it's the right for me to have a boyfriend because I'm too young and besides the guy and I both know that it's just a game, we must not take it seriously and because he's doing the same, he's not taking our relationship seriously in fact he's dating another girl and he's getting up another girlfriend. So we end our relationship and also our communication. And it's just normal because, it doesn't feels like I have a boyfriend that time. But then I felt like I just waste my time in entertaining that kind of guy and that I need to lie to my mom just because of him. But when I broke up with him, I'm felt like I'm still the same girl who doesn't committed and I realized that what I did is right and if you really feel that is not the time for you to be committed then don't do it, it's just as simple as that, you're just the one whose making it complicated. Be true to yourself and that don't let anyone to decide for you. You are the one whose respnsible for yourself. And always remember that "no one can ever hurt you without your consent."

9th meeting

1. How do you describe a responsible person?
2. What are your responsibilities
a) at home,
b) in school
c) in your community?


1. A responsible person is the one whose doing his assignments or projects on time, the one whom you will not going to tell what is his going to do but instead he will do it as his own, not asking if he must do that or not. The one who is independent enough to admit his own mistake and the one who can stand on his own even though he really needs his family.

2. a. At home
  • My responsibility in our home is doing the household chores as being the eldest daughter, like cleaning the house, taking care of my baby brother, and studying my lessons while I'm not doing anything.

b. In school

  • My responsibilities in school is that I need to study very hard for me to pass my courses, pass my assignments and projects on time and review my lessons. I also need to interact to with my professors and classmates. To cooperate to some group activities and many more.

c. In our community

  • My responsibility is to give and share to the people around my community, to interact with them and to cooperate and participate with some organizations that my community is initiating. Also I can do simple ways, such as cleaning our surroundings and being friendly with the people around my community.

Friday, August 7, 2009

8th meeting

I. Challenge yourself

Choose a challenge:

a. Tell the truth
b. Return recovered things (personal items, money, etc)
c. Admit mistaked.
d. Return excess change.
e. Avoid cheating

On your journal, process your experience with the aid of the following guide questions:

a. What challenge did you take?
b. Were you able to do the challenge? How do you feel about it?
c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?


a. Return recovered things, the money of my sister.
b. Yes, I do. Nothing. It just normal because I'm not the kind of person whose going to get the money of other people because I know it's bad and besides, she's my sister, my own blood, why would I do such a thing to her like that. And being honest is really a giant word if I would tell it to myself, but being kinda one is so great, because you don't need to hide anything to anyone and that you are being true to yourself. And it's really great.
c. I realized like what I've said earlier in letter b. being honest is really a giant word, but if you will do this, I mean if you will be honest to yourself, moreover to others as well, you will have a feeling of contentedness, satisfaction and you will be great because being honest is an example of being a good person.

Challenge yourself

1. For one week, challenge yourself to:

a. Get high score in a quiz or seatwork,
b. To recite in class at least once in any courses;
c. To submit a quality assignment or requirement

On your journal, process your experience with the aid of the following guide questions:

a. What challenge did you take?
b. Were you able to beat the challenge? How do you feel about it?
c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?


a. I take to get a high score in our 2nd long exam in Math. I got perfect and I have a excess of 2 points.
b. Yes I was and it felt that I have accomplished a great challenge by getting a perfect score in our 2nd long exam in Math and I'm so glad that because of these exam, it helps me to be in the Top 3 in the midterm in our section in my Math class.
c. I have learned that if you really want to get a high score, you must do your best and study hard for you to win it, because if you don't whatever you do, you cannot get a high score nd you cannot succeed in it. Being win to the challenge is very fulfilling and you will not have a feeling of doubts.

The most challenging thing I have ever accomplished

The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished

The most challenging thing I have ever accomplished is when I was in fourth year joining the Field Demo dancers club and to be graduated in highschool and to be in college. At the field demo, at first I don't know what are we going to do, if I'm going to have self-confidence dancing in front of many people with my groups, knowing that I have stage fright. But then when we won all of that feelings have vanished. We worked hard for it. We worked for us to win. And yet, it happened. And thanks to that co-curricular activity. It helps me to enter the top 10, although I did not intended to do so, but I'm thankful anyway. I'm very very glad to join them, at least now I know that even I have a stage fright, I can deliver it very well. Then being graduated in highschool is a lot for me. Because it means that I need to tackle another journey in my life, and that is college. At first when I'm still in fourth year highschool, I always think what would be my life in college and that time I don't want the 4th year highschool to be end because I'm so afraid to enter college life. But then, here I am, being graduated and now, the 1st term in college is also going to end. For me it's the most challenging thing that I have ever accomplished now in my life. And we'll going to see, in many years that would come, I will accomplished a new challenge that will going to happen to me.

Weekly Planner

Time Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
o4:45 am Still Sleeping Waking up Waking up Waking up Waking up Waking up Waking up
05:00am Still Sleeping Taking my bath Taking my bath Taking my bath Taking my bath Taking my bath Taking my bath
05:30am Still Sleeping Wearing up my Wearing up my Wearing up my Wearing up my Wearing up my Wearing up my
clotes, etc. clothes, etc. clothes, etc. clothes,etc. clothes,etc. clothes,etc.
05:50am Still Sleeping Eating my Eating my Eating my Eating my Eating my Eating my
breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast
06:00am Still Sleeping Preparing in Preparing in Preparing in Preparing in Preparing in Preparing in
going to school going to school going to school going to school going to school going to school 06:10am Still Sleeping Riding a public Riding a public Riding a public Riding a public Riding a public Riding a public
transporatation transportation transportation transportation transportation transportation
06:45am Still Sleeping I'm already at I'm already at I'm already at I'm already at I'm already at I'm already at
the school the school the school the school the school the school
07:00am Waking up Attending my Attending my Attending my Attending my Attending my Attending my
IT011 class SS class P.E class SS class DRAW021 class SS class
08:30am Doing some Still in my class Turning to my Still in my class Turning to my Still in my class Turning to my
household next class HUM011 next class HUM011 next class
chores HUM011
10:00m Still doing Turning to my Turning to my Eating with my Turning to my Eating with my Turning to my
household next class VE021 next class MATH friends next class MATH friends next cla MATH
11:30am Cooking our Going home Going home Going to my next Going home Going to my next Going home
lunch class ENG class ENG
12:00noon Eating my Riding a public Riding a public Still in my class Riding a public Still in my class Riding a public
lunch transportation to transportation transportation to transportation
go home to go home go home to go home
01:00pm Taking my Eating my lunch Eating my lunch Going home Eating my lunch Going home Eating my
bath lunch
02:00pm Watching TV Watcing TV Watching TV Watching TV Watching TV Watching TV Watching TV
03:00pm Doing my Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping
04:00pm Still doing my Still sleeping Still sleeping Still sleeping Still sleeping Still sleeping Still sleeping
05:00pm Cooking rice Still sleeping Still sleeping Still sleeping Still sleeping Still sleeping Still sleeping
f or our dinner
06:00pm Watching TV Already awake Already awak Already awake Already awake Already awake Already awake
06:30pm Eating my Eating my dinner Eating my dinner Eating my dinner Eating my dinner Eating my dinner Eating my
dinner dinner
07:00pm Watching TV Watching TV Watching TV Watching TV Watching TV Watching TV Watching TV
08:00pm Still watching Reviewing my Reviewing my Reviewing my Reviewing my Reviewing my Reviewing my
TV notes notes notes notes notes notes
09:00pm Time to sleep Time to sleep Time to sleep Time to sleep Time to sleep Time to sleep Time to sleep