Saturday, July 4, 2009

Assignment in VE011

1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?


>It's great! I met new friends, I got the time to know them better, I got bond with them when I'm at the school. Actually right now, I enjoyed going to school because of them. I had a great time to be with them, right now, I can be myself when I'm with them, the real me, "makulit", "palabiro", but there are times when I need to be serious like for example in my studies. And it's just the first week what more the other week that were going to come. In my courses, I learned a lot and I was about to understand it everyday when were going to have a lecture. And I can say, my first week at MCL was great and awesome.

2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?


>They were strict (some of them) yet they're nice sometimes, some of them were really nice and actually all of them can be easily approached.
>Traits that I find positive about them, as I've said earlier some of them were really strict but I know that they're just like that because they just want us to learn more about the things about us, they just want us to be responsible and independent enough to stand on our own, and I think that the positive traits they have.
>Second, they're nice and they had time to have fun with their students.
>Last, they can easily approached by the students, for example in their lesson, the students can ask and tell them the things they don't understand and the professors with be glad and patient to answer all their question.

3. Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?


>Our blockmates were really nice and actually the're friendly, even though sometimes they're really naughty and absolutely noisy.
>The strengths of our section, we are all can be friends and we can understand each other's feeling. and I know that the time will come that we're all going to be really really close and nobody in our section will going to be alone anymore.
>On the other hand, the weaknesses of our section sometimes some of us were really really noisy that the rest of us cannot concentrate with our professor and some of us became naughty (some of the times).

4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?


>How do I find my courses? I find it very interesting that in any course you would take you're actually going to ask yourself "Is this course will going to be enjoyable or desaster?", " Am I going to learn more here?", "Am I going to pass this course?" It's just that, you want to know if you are really truly applicable for the program that you're taking right now.
>I think the course that is easy for me is Math, I don't know, I just like Math and I think that it's the course that I can easily understand (maybe now, I don't know in the coming days??).
>The courses that are really challenging for me are I.T and Drawing. Because honestly, I'm not onto computers, I find it hard to understand, I don't know, I'm just not really good at it. In the Drawing, I really had a hard time to draw something and at the same time, at that subject I've become nervous.

5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.


>Yes. In academic, I need to have a self-confidence for my own sake to show to people that I can do what is really assigned me to do. Emotions, I'm really sensitive, that I easily cry when I can't really take or I can't really handle the emotions inside of me. Social environment, I need to be socialized with the people around me, 'cause I'm really a "shy-type" person.

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